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For Product Managers

As a product manager, you identify customer needs and business objectives that your product will fulfill. You define product success criteria and rally your team to turn that vision into reality.

The EmbedThisDevice builder supports these requirements by helping you manage EmbedThis device agents, subscriptions, and support services.

The work flow for managing products with the Builder includes:

  • Selecting the device agent for your product.
  • Providing access to device software and patches.
  • Creating and configuring device clouds.
  • Managing software and service subscriptions.
  • Gaining access to support programs and communication with EmbedThis support.
  • Organizing your team.

Creating a Product Definition

For each device that you wish to manage, you need to create a product definition that describes your device and nominates the device agent you wish to utilize.

The product definition includes the product name, description, and web page URL.


Depending on the device agent, there are varying subscription plans.

If you select the Ioto cloud agent, you can choose to automatically meter device volume as you manufacture.

For Appweb and GoAhead device agents, you select a license scope based on the volume and number of products you wish to support. You also select your payment frequency.

For more detail, please see the Builder Plans page.

Download the Software

Once subscribed, you can download the device agent software from the Builder product list. Click on the download icon from the product table.

If you are evaluating the platform, you will be able to download an evaluation version of the software. If you have a paid subscription, you can download any current or prior version of the software.

Device Specific Logic

Once downloaded, your engineers can begin embedding the device agent in your device hardware and adding your device specific logic. There is extensive documentation for the device agents:


As your team progresses with design and development, they may require support.

EmbedThis offers two support programs:

  • Basic Support
  • Developer Support

Basic support provides basic guidance covering installation and operational usage of the product.

Developer support provides comprehensive support with design and implementation issues. This includes embedded development, cloud-based device management, developer coding, debugging issues, and support for legacy software versions.

Support can be purchased via the Builder interface. Payment can be made in advance, or each time support is needed. With a support subscription, your team can raise and track support issues with the EmbedThis support staff.


You can complete payment for subscriptions via online card. Enter your online card from the Account/Billing page.

If you are authorized to pay by bank transfer, you can download PDF quotations from the Account/Subscription page and then enter your purchase order number in the Order Details panel.

After purchasing, you will be emailed an invoice. You can download past invoices from the Billing page.


Subscription plans renew automatically. If you are on an Agreement plan, you will need to confirm the renewal each year. Don't worry, we'll remind you via email when it is due.

To subscribe for additional products, device clouds, or more support, go to the Account/Subscription page. Review your subscription, then click Confirm to purchase.

Organizing Your Team

You can invite any number of team members to register and login to your Builder account. This is useful so that team members can utilize the Builder directly and:

  • Open and track support issues
  • Download software
  • Download software patches
  • Create and configure device clouds
  • Claim and test devices
  • Monitor device cloud performance

When inviting a user or later when modifying the user's configuration, a user can be assigned a role. This role may be:

  • user
  • admin
  • owner

User members can view information but not change product, subscription or organization configuration. Users can view and open support issues and download software.

In addition to user capabilities, admin members can perform constructive or destructive operations on the organization. Admin users can create product definitions, configure subscriptions and confirm purchases.

In addition to the admin role, owners can control the entire account. They can add and modify billing cards and close the account.


If you have suggestions for how the Builder could make your role easier, please let us know at: