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Manager Dashboard

Manager Dashboard

The manager provides configurable dashboards to display information for your devices and service. The Ioto service emits a rich collection of metrics so that you can track the performance of your devices and device cloud.

Manager Dashboards support:

  • Graphical widgets including: graphs, gauges, numeric and text widgets.
  • Customizable dashboard layout and widget positioning sizing.
  • Responsive design for varying screen sizes.
  • Ability to create multiple dashboards focussing on different service aspects.
  • Extend from a gallery of additional widgets and data sources.
  • Large library of pre-configured widget sets that focus on different AWS services.
  • Save and share dashboard layouts with organization team members.


Dashboards have a unique name and the device manager will load the dashboard specified in the property of the device.json5 configuration. If unset, the Default dashboard will be loaded. If set ot auto, the "Mobile" dashboard will be loaded on phones and the "Desktop" dashboard will be otherwise loaded.

It can be helpful to enable the features.dash.responsive property to maximize widget widths on mobile phones.


The Manager supports a suite of widget types including: gauges, graphs, numeric, text, buttons, images, events, data tables and form input widgets.

Adding Widgets

To add widgets to the dashboard, click on the "Add Widget" icon which will display the add widget slide-out panel.

From this panel, you can select your widget type and the wizard will then prompt for the required fields.

Add Widgets


You can adjust the layout of widgets on the dashboard by moving and resizing them. To move a widget, click and drag it from the title area to a new location. To resize a widget, click and drag the resize handle located at the bottom left corner to your preferred size. As you move or resize widgets, the dashboard automatically rearranges other widgets to prevent overlap and ensure clear visibility.

To remove a widget, click the (x) icon in the top left corner of the widget.

Zooming a Widget

If you double click a widget, it will be zoomed to full screen display. Click escape or click outsize the widget to restore it to normal size.

Dashboard Navbar

The dashboard navbar provides icons and buttons to modify the dashboard.

The following icons are provided:

Icon Description
Plus Open the Widget Panel to add a new widget to the dashboard
Timer Countdown timer to the next widget data refresh
Compact Compact the current widgets to remove superfluous space
Expand Expand widget rows and align to fill the available browser window space
Reset Reset the current layout and discard unsaved changes
Pencil Open the Dashboard Panel to modify the dashboard

Snap to Grid

The Dashboard will align widgets to a 20 pixel grid when the Snap to Grid dashboard option is selected in the dashboard panel. New dashboards will by default enable the grid.

After creating a dashboard, it is useful to deselect the Snap to Grid so that that dashboard widgets will remain aligned if the browser window is resized.

Compacting Widgets

The compact icon will compact widgets and remove extra space. If your dashboard is using the "Snap to Grid" option, the widgets will be aligned on the 20 pixel grid.

Expanding Widgets

The Expand widget option will expand each row of widgets to utilize all available space. This will bypass the alignment grid so that the right hand edge of the widgets will align. After expanding, it can be helpful to deselect the dashboard "Snap to Grid" so that the widgets remain aligned.

Resetting the Dashboard

When the reset icon is clicked, all unsaved changes will be discarded.

Metric Period and Interval

You can customize the data period for the graphs and metrics displayed on the dashboard. At the top center-right of the page, you can select the period to be per hour, day, week, month or custom period using the period button at the top right.

Saving and Sharing

Dashboards may be saved and shared among team members.

When you make a modification to the dashboard such as resizing a widget or moving its position, a "Save" button will appear. Clicking save will persist the layout and set it as the new default layout for you and all other team members.


Creating and Selecting Dashboards

You can create multiple dashboards that focus on different service aspects. For example, you may want a dashboard that features service load graphs and metrics and another dashboard to focus on outages and errors.

You can easily switch between dashboards by clicking on the name of the dashboard in the top left of the home page.

Dashboard Select

Select "New Dashboard" to display the "Select dashboard" slide out panel. Select "New Dashboard" and then enter your desired dashboard name.

You can also create a dashboard switch widget that lets you rapidly switch to another dashboard.